Despite the COVID-19 lockdown, the BAG History Group has been extremely busy over the past few months. Here is a quick run-down of what has been going on!
Railway Story Boards
It was fantastic to unveil the brand-new Belair Railway Station story board. Forming part of a rail heritage trail, the recently installed Belair Station story board, along with the Blackwood Station story board, have been created by BAG’s history group with an enormous amount of help from Ross Hurley, a local train historian.

We are grateful to Mitcham Council for funding through the Community Development Grant scheme for the graphic art work (created by Tamara Jakovlev from Design Girl) and to Rail Care SA for funding the printing and installation which was carried out by Signs by Knight.
We welcome the community to visit the train stations to learn about our local history and explore the railway artefacts nearby. The next station story board project is for Eden Hills.
Want to know more about the history of the Belair Railway Station?
Belair, in the Adelaide Hills, was one of the prettiest stations on the old SAR system, and the destination for visitors by rail to the Belair National Park. Ross Hurley takes us through the history of this popular station on the Main South Line. Click here to read more!
Blackwood History Display
Library, Waite Street Reserve, Young Street historical developments and exciting future opportunities for the Blackwood Hub precinct.
Following the success and popularity of the 2018 Magnet Court /Woolworths precinct exhibition during SA History Festival, Blackwood Action Group’s History Group has mounted an exhibit in the precinct around Coles, Waite Street Reserve, 'Red Building' on Young Street & 'White Building' (Health Food Shop, Books etc near Foodland). This interesting exhibit may help you appreciate the community, business and Council action taken over the years taken to meet the changing needs of a growing Mitcham Hills community.
Historic photos, memorabilia and plans tell the story on a variety of topics including the arrival by train of the first books on loan, our first and replacement Library, Coles building project, development of our community green, the Waite St Reserve, through to current times . Looking to the future, exciting draft plans for the Waite Street Reserve and Blackwood Hub precinct are on public display on the Council Agenda for May 26.
BAG would like to thank: Coles - Sam Duluk, Member for Waite - Blackwood Clinic - City of Mitcham for the use of their windows.
You can also view some images for the display on our website. Click here to read more!
Blackwood Times Articles
BAG has continued to write feature articles for the Blackwood Times newspaper, highlighting important and interesting aspects of the way our local district and lifestyle has evolved. We recently published a new article on the website on “The Grandeur of the Rugged Sturt Gorge” which you can read more about here.

We have now published four articles on our website with more to come! As a result, the BAG History Group section of the website has been updated with new content and pages.
~ Pauline